Friday, 2 June 2017

HMS ERP Software Solutions in Chennai

Modern health systems tend to become increasingly complex with stakeholders interconnected and constantly changing environments. Any well-managed institution needs information across the length and breadth of health information systems. In many respects; there is a need to monitor what health care services are achieving across the range of basic values and directing principles. As responsiveness contributes to relevance, accessibility and availability of information improves transparency, which in turn strengthens the credibility and legitimacy of health institutions.

HMS Modules:

  • Patient Registration
  • Medical Records
  • Human Resource Management
  • Pharmacy Management System
  • Bio Medical Waste Management
  • Blood Bank
  • Radiology Information System
  • Laboratory Information System
  • Inpatient & Ward Management
  • Emergency / Casualty
  • Ambulance
For More Details :


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